This is Sid when he was still a puppy...
He was always so handsome.
He was going on 7 years old when we got Jasmine. Yes, that little baby is Jasmine!
He was an only pug for almost 7 years, so he wasn't too thrilled when this little ball of energy entered his life. But he soon fell in love with her just like the rest of us did.
Good old Sid and his daddy...
Tromping through the dandelions...
Fending off puppy attacks...
No wonder he was a little freaked out by her...she moved quicker than the speed of light!
Sid and his Yoda pose...

He really loved his daddy...
He was truly one of a kind...there will never be another Sid...
Trying to trick us...which one is real and which one is the statue...
Pippin adored Sid. He really took care of him during the tough last year of his life. Sid had a bad back and had times of not being able to walk. He would manage to get himself up for a while, then he would go back to being immobile. The last few months of his life his muscles really atrophied and we had to carry him everywhere. I think I was washing his pillows every day. But he was still happy and still full of piss and vinegar.