As a tribute to sweet Penny (who loved whipped cream so very much), Lilo and her parents came over to our house on Saturday and we had a whipped cream toast. I will let the pictures speak for themselves, but I would like to point out the shiny orb in the third picture. I like to think that maybe Penny herself was joining us for some whippy cream :-)
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
14 hours ago
That's A LOTTA pugs! I am sure Penny is smiling down on you all!
Gen & the Foo
Hey gang!
What a fabulous tribute to our dear friend Penny! She is watching and smiling!
Josie, Izzy and Anakin
Look at all those puggies with whippy creamed faces! I'm sure Penny is honored at this tribute!
We had so much fun toasting Penny!!! I hope she can feel the love!!!
Look at all the whipped cream! Such a great tribute to Penny :)
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Oh my Pugness! So many pugs and whipped cream in one place. Where would we begin? Cowwaabunga!
Stella, Gunther and Betty
Yes, I'd like to believe that was Penny too!
Hi guys!
This is the best tribute to Penny!
She would love to know that other
pugs got to enjoy her most
favorite treat!
I hope you have a great week!
We just read the tribute to Penny. What a sweet, wonderful girl and she would have loved the whipped cream toast!
Hi friends,
I am so sorry to hear about dear Jasmine. Sending love and hugs your way.
So Sorry to hear about your sweet Jasmine crossing. Many hugs to you all.
Jenn Sequoia and Tuni
We're thinking of you (hand and paw together, it's a powerful connection)...take care!
We are so sad to hear about sweet little Jasmine. CAme to us through Salinger's blog. Thinking of you during this time.
I'm so very sorry about your wonderful Jasmine. You're in my thoughts.
We were saddened to hear of the loss of your dearest Jasmine. Please know there are people and pugs far and wide sending their love too you at this difficult time.
Wilma, Brigitte, Sluggo
Kathy & Todd
Our hearts are breaking for the loss of Jasmine, and now little Bernice. So many comforting hugs and thoughts are being sent your way.
with much love from the Pugpants family
We are so sorry to hear of your loss of Jasmine and Bernice. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Roxy, Lucky & Mom
We are friends of Pearl and we just read of the passing of your Jasmine and Bernice. We are so truly sorry for your loss. Our hearts ache for you.
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
We were so sorry to hear of the loss of Bernice. It hardly seems fathomable that you could lose another dear baby so soon after the loss of Jasmine. Maybe Jasmine needed Bernice with her. Please accept our heartfelt sympathy.
Kathy, Wilma, Brigitte and Sluggo.
We ares sending our condolences to you "The Pug Posse" and your humans. We remembers when one of our own members had passed...but only 3 of us were alive then (George, Gracie, and Toby). Ms. Megan had only one eye and had nerve damage based upon the way she wents to the bathrooms. Mamas don't go a day without thinking about her and when someone else's baby crosses the rainbows bridge it makes them cry. We hopes that one days you will be reuniteds with your girls and until then please luv lots on your humans pug posse and humans love lots on your puggums...we feel sads too. Much love being sent your way with lots of wags and licks.
-The Slimmer Pugs
George, Gracie, Toby Moses, Lily, and Mimi
& Their Mamas
I know your hearts are breaking and I am very sad for you too.
I am a friend of Pearl and Howie and I read about Jasmine and Bernice going to the Rainbow Bridge.
I wish there was something I could say to help, but there is not.
So many doggies care - and I am one of them- and I just wanted to send you my love from me and my moms. I will light candles for your sweet girls at the Bridge, and I will keep sending you love for your hearts to heal.
Came over from Pearl's blog. So sorry to hear about you losing 2 of your pug babies. I just lost my boxer last week, can't imagine losing 2 dogs so close together. I know you're heartbroken but your memories will see you thru this as I keep telling myself. Sending hugs your way.
Daisy and I wanted to come over,
and tell you how sorry we are for
the loss of your two pug babies.
We are thinking of them
both tonight.
-Dana & Daisy
That whip cream looks fantabulous! What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl!
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