One of our favorite places is Hilton Head Island, SC. My family has been going there for a long time. Denny's first time there was for our honeymoon. On that trip we discovered the dolphin trip. They take you out into the ocean on a Zodiak, which is basically a rubber raft with a propeller on the back. There are about 60 Atlantic Bottle-nosed Dolphins (ie. Flipper) that live in the sound between the island and the mainland and many more "visit". When we went on our honeymoon, the laws weren't as strict and the "tour guides" would get the dolphins to swim right up to the boat and you could even touch them. We were sure that they would go out there without tours and feed the dolphins to get them to swim to the boats, even though they said it was against the law to feed them. But the dolphins were way too friendly to just swim up to the boats without incentive. The laws have become much more strict and there is no feeding or touching of the wildlife. It's a little more difficult to find the dolphins, but they can be found...usually around the shrimp boats to feed on the discards. In 2007 we took Sam to Hilton Head for his first time and here are some of the dolphins we saw. Keep in mind it's not easy to take pictures of dolphins in the wild since you never know when they're going to pop up, but I think I got some good shots. The first picture is of Harbour Town as seen from the ocean. There is a big golf tournament there every spring and a lot of wealthy people park their yachts in the harbour...
Wordless (?) Waiting on Wednesday
3 hours ago