I'll protect you, my darling Jasmine...
That's right, I'm taking Jasmine's side over my crazy sister's...
Seriously, doesn't she just look crazy?
Well, when Mommy and Daddy got up Sunday morning, they noticed that Jasmine's leg was even more swollen and there was a crusty area on her leg just below her shoulder. They decided that they probably needed to talk to a vet. But they said the regular vet doesn't work on Sundays and the emergency vet charges an arm and a leg just for going there besides any tests or medicines. So Mommy looked up PetSmart on the internet and saw that the in-store vet had Sunday hours. So they took Jasmine over there and saw this thing in the sky...
They don't know what it was doing there, but Mommy said it made her think of Salinger's blog from Saturday. If you haven't seen it yet, make sure you check it out! So anyway, they got there and the vet was closed. The people at the store said the vet is always closed on Sundays. Well, that's not what the internet said! They said they would look into that...whatever!
So they bought some treats since they were there and MarrowBones were on sale. Those are the best treats EVER!!! Then they came back home. A little bit later they noticed poor Jas's leg was about double its normal size! So Daddy said they should get her in the bath with some warm water to draw out the infection. They got her in there and the crustiness washed away and pus started oozing out. Yes, I know, that's really gross, but it's an important part of the story.
While Jas was in the tub, Daddy called the emergency vet place to see if they had any suggestions to help. They said to take her temperature and if it was 103 or higher to get her in right away. So Daddy went back to PetSmart to buy a doggy thermometer. When they took her temperature, it was 101.2 which is in the normal range for dogs. By this time the swelling has started to go down since they got a lot of the pus out, so they decided to wait until today to take her to see the regular vet.
Daddy left Jasmine in the big bed this morning and put the gate up so none of us could get to her. Let me tell you, that was really difficult being on the other side of the gate from her ALL DAY!!! And I think she was upset about being away from me too! When Mommy got home from work, she grabbed Jas and took her to the vet. The vet shaved the hair away from the wound area, cleaned it out real good, and gave her a shot. She also gave Mommy some pills to give her which means that Jas will get marshmallows twice a day now! Lucky girl! And the vet weighed Jas and found that she has lost 2 pounds since last year! She is now a slim 20.6 pounds! I guess having all these other pugs around and going to meetup once a month has been good for her!
Ok, I have to warn you, the next couple of pictures are kind of gross. Mommy took pictures of Jasmine's leg. If you get grossed out easliy, please refrain from looking at the next 2 pictures. Everyone else feel free to look...
Do you see the red spot at the top of her right leg? That's where the vet shaved the fur away and the wound is visible. Also notice how the right leg is a bit thicker than the left leg...
Now here's the really gross close-up of the wound...
She sure is glad that's all over now! Now bring on the marshmallows!!!
One last picture Mommy wanted to share...it has nothing to do with pugs, but Mommy thought it was interesting. On her way home from work on Friday she saw this really big plane flying really low...
It's some sort of military plane and was really, really big, although it's hard to tell from this picture just how big it was!
Well, I hope everyone else had a less stressful weekend than we did! And I hope you all have a wonderful week!
Pug hugs and kisses!
Big Ern and the Pug Posse