Hello everyone!!! Big Ern here! We are so excited that the weather is finally acting like spring!

The big crab apple tree in the backyard is even starting to bloom!

Mama realized after the last blog posts that she didn't have any pictures of Tucker. And the reason why is because he doesn't cooperate with her! He wouldn't stand still for any good pictures, but here's what Mama got...

Remember how bald Rosie was when she came to live here? Well look at the poofy hot mess now!

Romeo thinks the lawn needs to be mowed!

Ahhhh...Pippin enjoys the fresh air on his pug mug!

Pugsley was mostly concerned about going back inside and getting dinner!

Timmeh Timmeh...

Princess Bella Booty <3 <3 <3

Pudgey boy...

Pudge and Bella want to know when the garden is going to be cleaned up and planted!

Pug huddle...

Wait, did someone say dinner???

That's all for now!
Pug hugs and kisses!
Ernie and the Pug Posse