Ok, bloggers, we need to send some positive vibes over to the other Pug Posse. Their daddy is in the hospital dealing with complications from diabetes and they could use some healing prayers. Seeing as this dog blogging community has pulled together before and helped some of our friends with recoveries, we thought we'd put the word out to help out them. Please go see them and wish them warm fuzzy thoughts!!!!
Hey everyone! Pug Mama here. Sorry to be MIA lately, I have been soooooooo busy. I promise one of these days I will get caught up on your blogs. In the meantime, here are some pictures from the event we worked this past Sunday for Kentuckiana Pug Rescue. Denny and Sam and I took Eli, Eddie, and Bernice to represent KPR. We talked to a lot of people and met lots of different kinds of dogs. Hopefully some of those people who took KPR info will come through and either adopt or foster. We have way too many pugs that need to find their furever homes!
We got to meet one of our blogger buddies, Lois Lane and her mama!
I remember that day. An ordinary Tuesday in September eight years ago. A day that began the same as any other day. A beautiful clear day in Indiana.
I remember going to work. The same routine as any other day, The pleasantries exchanged with coworkers. Then everything changed.
I remember the call. My husband heard that a plane hit the World Trade Center in New York. Was this a sick joke? Was it a small plane with engine trouble? This can't be real.
I remember turning on the radio In time to hear that a second plane hit the other tower. It wasn't a joke, it wasn't a small plane. And it wasn't a coincidence.
I remember the silence. Everyone in the office listening for news, tearful, anxious. Why was this happening? Who would do this? Then the towers fell.
I remember the third plane. It hit the Pentagon. This is a deliberate attack. All air traffic was stopped. There was another plane unaccounted for. Little did we know.
I remember the announcement: The office was closing. Go home and be with your loved ones. No one could work any more that day. We left in tears.
I remember the drive home. Driving through tears. The eerie silence on a clear day. Listening to the news that the fourth plane crashed in a field. This was real.
I remember the images. The non-stop coverage on TV. Seeing the planes hit the buildings. Seeing the faces of the wounded in New York, zombie-like, covered in ash. Helpless, fearful, lost.
I remember the emotions. We were horrified, sickened, afraid, but we couldn't look away. We watched, we cried, we heard the accounts of the day. So many people died.
I remember the heroes. The firemen and policemen who ran into the buildings when everyone else was running out. The passengers of flight 93 who fought back and sacrificed their lives so no one else would die. The words "Let's roll".
I remember the pride. The people of this country and of the world pulling together, looking for survivors, for hope. The patriotism, the tears during the national anthem. They did not defeat us. We will survive.
I remember that day. That clear blue September day that started like any other day, But ended with the world forever changed. I remember that day... And I will never forget.
We're the Smith Pug Posse! There are 12 (yes, that's right, 12!) of us living with our 3 humans. And we all sleep in our king size bed with our human mommy and daddy. We get along with each other pretty well, but sometimes we get upset with each other, usually because someone is jealous of the attention someone else is getting!