Hi everyone! Big Ern here. You're not going to believe the weekend we had!Eddie still can't believe it...
Pippin was stunned...
On Saturday everything started normally...but it was a little early to start a Saturday. Daddy took Sam to his school because he had an all day picnic for ROTC. Yes, that's right, Sam is in ROTC. The best part is that he really seems to like it! Then when Daddy got back home, he and Mama left to go to the Indy Moto GP at the track where they have the Indy 500. They went there to work! We forgave them though since the work was volunteering for KPR. The job was selling souvenir programs. A portion of the sales was to be donated to KPR and Mama keeps saying that they kicked butt! They sold so many programs that they had a hard time keeping them stocked!
They were a little too busy to take many pictures, but they did get a few. This is from their walk into the track. Mama said they probably walked a couple of miles from the parking lot to where the program stand was.
The whole oval track wasn't used, but they had the grand prix track twisting around inside the main oval.
These guys had a lot of flags flying from their cooler...
Here is the view of the pagoda from the program stand they were working...
Saturday was qualification day and after the qualifications were run one of the riders, James Toseland, and his band played for the crowd. The stage was right behind Mama's program stand so they got to enjoy the music. See the kid on the stage? He somehow got up on stage and was playing air guitar while the band was playing!
Mama said Daddy was rocking the orange smock! She manned the stand while Daddy and some other volunteers wandered around the crowd. They didn't go too far because they couldn't carry very many programs at once. Since it's the Centennial celebration of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, there was a special section of the program sharing the history of the track, so it was extra thick and heavy! At one point during the day, Mama said a guy with a big camera that said "SPEED" on it walked right up to the stand and filmed her selling programs to some people. Later that evening she saw that SPEED channel had something on about the Moto GP and we saw her on TV!!! Our Mama is a TV star now!!! Ok, so she was only on for like a second, but it was still exciting!
Now for the really insane part of the weekend. Saturday night Mama and Daddy got home (Grandma and Grandpa had picked up Sam from his picnic so he was already home) and started relaxing. Then Hank's mama came over and dropped off 2 more pugs! WTF??? Mama said they're just staying here until Saturday and then they're going to travel all the way to Seattle. See, there aren't enough foster homes here and not enough adopting homes. But Seattle's pug rescue has no pugs and they saw that we are overloaded, so they offered to help some of them find homes.
Anyway, their names are Patience and Ming. Patience is almost as big as Pippin. Actually, she might be a bit rounder even though she's not as tall. Ming is a bit chunky too, but she's smaller than Neecy! And they are very light colored, they look almost white compared to us!
I'm not sure Gus really knows what's going on. He's just happy as usual...
That's Patience in the middle and Ming following right behind her.
Ming has a tongue that sticks out a little bit even when her mouth is closed. Mama thinks she looks like our friend Sophie...
When they first showed up they had to go straight into the bath. Not only are they rather overweight, but they also had fleas! So they got an immediate flea bath before we could even meet them! Good thing Mama has flea shampoo!
They are really sweet girls. They had no problem fitting in with the Posse. They even had no problem climbing into bed with us (after Mama and Daddy got rid of those fleas of course)! But Mama learned the hard way that 7 is enough pugs! She woke up very cramped on the edge of the big bed because all of us wanted to snuggle with her! Serves her right!
Notice Gus making a Popeye face in this picture...it's in honor of Stubby taking Popeye's chicken to our dear friend Pearl who had emergency surgery last week...They're going to make someone in Seattle very happy!
Gus is happy...
Neecy looks a little sad because she's worried she's being replaced as head Munchkin. Mama promised she's her only Munchkin :-)
Aren't these the most handsome pugs ever? Especially the one on the far left ;-)
Well, that's enough craziness for now. Mama found out she has to have the 2 foster girls to Annie's house by 6 in the morning on Saturday and then we have our meetup at 10:30. I think we're probably going to be napping Saturday afternoon!
Hey everyone! Big Ern here. I want to share our busy weekend with you and the pictures from Eli's Gotcha Day celebration, but first I need to share something very important. Our dear friend Pearl from Oklahoma was rushed to the vet this morning by her mother and had to have emergency surgery to remove stones from her bladder! The vet said that if her momma had not been so smart to take her to the vet, she might have died! So please go give her some warm fuzzy pug wishes. Go ahead, we'll wait...In happier news, our buddy Walter from Minnesota who you might remember got into a fight with an SUV last month, got out and about with his mama today. They went for a stroll and stopped at a cafe to watch the world go by. We are so happy that he is doing so well. His rehab is going quite well. Go check out the videos of him in the water tank and on his balancing ball.
And in other pug news, our pal Harry from Alabama is now famous! He's going to be in the SEPRA calendar and this picture of him was featured on this website...
Ok, now for the celebration pictures. First I have to say that our Mama can really be an idiot. We went to the park in the afternoon and she forgot to put the memory card in the camera, so we don't have any pictures of us barking at those 2 big dogs who were chasing squirrels. Nor do we have any pictures of our chaotic trip to Three Dog Bakery. The lady working there gave us some complimentary Gotcha Day cookies and then we picked out some yummy treats to take home.
In case you've forgotten what I look like (since Mama hasn't posted anything in a while), here is my handsome face...
Here is Eli, the pug of the day, enjoying a toy before our cookout at home... Honorary Posse member Lilo and her parents came over to help us celebrate. Here is Eli enjoying the nice fall-like weather we were having...
These were really yummy soft cookies that looked like watermelon slices...
Lilo was getting a little worn out until the food came out...
Mischievous Uncle Ryan fed us some chicken...
Gus made sure he didn't miss anything that might have fallen...
Then Aunt Jess let Eli have some corn. As Rachel Ray would say...Yumm-o!!!
Uncle Ryan tried to help Neecy get a better signal to the mother ship. It didn't work.
I savoured the corn...mmmmmm...corn on the cob....
Lilo tried to get her tongue around it...
Sorry Bernice, the mother ship still isn't coming...
I really don't know what was going on in this picture... Pippin, who is very picky about his treats, gobbled up the corn. He just couldn't get enough of it!
Neecy even nibbled the corn...
That sure is some good corn...
Eddie concentrated very hard on what he was eating...
Gus Gus's turn...
Jasmine couldn't believe how silly everyone was being...
Any scraps left on the ground???
Yes, that is corn in Pippin's mouth.
Here's the special boy waiting on his special treats.
Lilo was entertaining us with her impressions. This is her Shar-Pei...
And here is her attack dog impression...
Now this is the best part. We each got a pupcake! See how yummy they look?
I couldn't believe how awesome they were, so I carried mine around and around the room for a while...
Eli was so excited about his pupcake...
Pippin dug in a little too enthusiastically and got icing on his face :-)
Gus munched away at his...
Neecy licked all the icing off before she ate the cake...
Yum! That was the most awesome Gotcha Day ever!!!
Then Sunday morning, Mama and Daddy took Eli and Gus to Petco for KPR duty. They said it was quiet and they didn't make any money, but they got some attention and Gus got a new toy. Eli really enjoyed getting some Mama time...
Here is Gus with his new toy. Note the crazy look in his eyes...
I think Eli loves Mama...
Can I keep it???
They were pretty tired on the way home...
Well, that's all for now. Remember to go give Pearl lots of mental pug hugs and kisses!
We're the Smith Pug Posse! There are 12 (yes, that's right, 12!) of us living with our 3 humans. And we all sleep in our king size bed with our human mommy and daddy. We get along with each other pretty well, but sometimes we get upset with each other, usually because someone is jealous of the attention someone else is getting!